Meet our alumnus: Ahmad Rasim Arrabi

Holding back your opinion could be a significant obstacle to stand between you and your next step.

Photo of Ahmad Rasim Arrabi

Ahmad Rasim Arrabi

Entity: Careem
Position: General Manager - KSA - Mobility of People
Worked at PwC until: 2019
Line of Service: Consulting

How would you describe your days at PwC?

Joining PwC was an essential and key station in my career. Over the course of 6 years at PwC, I had access to various experiences and challenges that shaped how I look at things today.

What have you been doing since leaving PwC?

I left PwC to join Careem with its unique mission to simplify people's lives. I consider myself fortunate to be part of such a highly ambitious organisation with a noble goal to transform the region on multiple levels.

I joined Careem as the General Manager for Mobility of People, looking after the KSA market.

How did working at PwC help you achieve your career goals?

My experience with PwC was an eyeopener and transformational on both the professional and personal side. It gave me the right level of exposure to the Saudi market and industries and gave me the proper channels to meet great people to learn from and build long-lasting relationships.

I highly believe that PwC is a great school that polished and established various skills in me that enabled me to pursue incredible opportunities.

What characteristics do you think have made you successful?

I wouldn't say that I'm there, yet to be "successful". Yet, I believe that determination is an essential building block for any successful journey or story. Adding to that, I would say that it's necessary to have a clear goal or purpose in life or work to efficiently allocate time, efforts, and decisions.

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you while working at PwC

What happens in PwC Stays in PwC ;)

What is the best career advice you ever received?

Actually, it is a piece of advice that I received from multiple people throughout my life, and I would even give it to my younger self. To "speak up and don't underestimate your opinion in any venue.” 

Holding back your opinion could be a significant obstacle to stand between you and your next step.

What is your lasting lesson from PwC?

Create opportunities. Always be ready. Be proactive.

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